Leaping Lizards

2 min readFeb 29, 2024

Before long. It is out of it. A candy bar. Isn’t far. And the month of May is okay.
Thinking thought it saved him. When it was a song. It was not for long.
Who was on the bus. Discuss the value virtue signals flashing.
On foot is more perfect. Powerful is what you are when you decide to be. What you were exposed to. With interest it’s alive. Carry it around with you. Return. Bring it back with you. Knowingly or not.

Yes there is a thought I’m thinking it. That it’s interesting to see it’s not. But it might be interesting to think to see a thought is changing on the way. When there is a sense of it. To play around with.

I can hear the wind a feeling.

Tomorrow is the first of March. A Friday ought to be a Monday.
Award shows are weird.
What is the history of math. Before there was zero there was 10 20 30 and 100. So of course there always was a zero waiting unannounced. 01 02 03 and etc. came to be known because they were there all along.

No general consensus an embarrassment of riches and stitches. And sneezing ought to be enjoyed but somebody has a problem with it.
No when you’re two and no when you’re 14 aren’t the same. Anytime you do say no is not the same as the last time that you said it. Even though it still means no. Even yesterday and earlier today and a minute soon enough. I said it.

Because I can’t say why I’m doing this. But I do know why.




An experimental writer. PhD. Novels: Monkey & Anderson (Pedlar Press). Oblique Journal: The Hinge of Things. I also make music and photos.