31 August 2021 Tuesday

2 min readAug 31, 2021

To be a voice. To have a voice. Try and not try. Getting into shaping shape. The feel of feeling it transmission not exactly as it started out. A story is pretending that there is a narrative. A lesson isn’t given but imparted. Some people think that there’s a start a middle and an end. This is not that. Open to an influence resistance in the way that you’re expressing it. What’s your discipline? How’s it going?
Is there a plurality? Shown to be showing shows it. Humans animate the anima the animus the living animals. All the live long day. Depending on the void you organize around. Knowledge and acknowledge there’s a place that isn’t yours and a place that is but both of them are easily transferable when you’re able to stand still a while. Just long enough for timing to be timely for you.
Reality phenomenon. Character one’s nature. In distinction and distinguished very. Every time a little different seeming seemingly to be there drawing and withdrawing worlds of gestures standing out in what they say the day is doing. Apparently the North is here and there for some.
I me mine being self addressed an envelope. We are therefore coming and then going. Appearing disappearing. Came from nowhere set a place for us. Arriving and departing one apart yearning to be learning and be into it. Leaning in again without meaning to be doing it. Repetition and a feral bounty instinct. Tomorrow as they were as though they were today. Close the eyes of our body. Is the mind not ours? Many worlds if they can collide and kiss and give it all away. Say hello and see you soon.
Can thinking be it thought and fit for it. Finding somewhere home and adequate. Homing in on one. Or am I only dreaming.
Exact motion gesture cut around defining lines in space looking like it’s empty but it’s not. Outline sketch a drawing pulling you into it. Point specifically to it some thing that has something there about it. Impressing upon interesting influence. Casting actors narrative a story play.
What was heard and who heard it. Moving light indicating morning evidently. This face is loving you.
Violets and violins for the foreseeable future. Placing signs signifying bring it boldly out of it the world waving. Knowing and awake. Surrounded by nothing. Thank you.




An experimental writer. PhD. Novels: Monkey & Anderson (Pedlar Press). Oblique Journal: The Hinge of Things. I also make music and photos.