20 August 2021 Friday

1 min readAug 20, 2021

Conversation is the colour blue in history a gradient. Military action. Comedy is compensation for not crying out loud. Listening to the rhythm of your nervousness.
The tipping point. A list of some strange words. A map to your own home. Left outside to see the night change sailing. An incentive. Sometimes squeaky wheels get thrown out. Where is the redemption.
Going down the road to kiss a ring to it. Grease the palm. Standing up to wash a proposition off. Lemon-scented daisy cheerfulness. Watching clouds roll by suggesting forms. Better than what’s bitter.
Tiny rooms crafting bigger changes. Checking intuition is it teachable. Working on it. Wait until you do not panic about who it is appearing on the steps. Tongue tied and enchanting. A ticket to the trance. It is saying something to you always in the turning sense of it. I know that boss.




An experimental writer. PhD. Novels: Monkey & Anderson (Pedlar Press). Oblique Journal: The Hinge of Things. I also make music and photos.